Is it safe to use lemon juice on dogs? - is lemon good for dogs
My dog has fleas, and I heard to use lemon oil, contributes to get the chips, so I thought, let soak for filling the tanks with water and a little lemon juice and wash your shampoo. Do you think this is safe?
Waste of time and energy and lemons.
Only one bathroom, while working with shampoo for pets. The fleas drown in soapy water. This works best if you can allow the shampoo to sit 5 minutes before flushing. Place the lemon dog, then it makes no sense to take a bath, such as citrus fruits, which would only be hired to ward off fleas. Try it with half water, half vinegar rinse helps defense of fleas and help hair / skin.
I would not recommend. Lemon juice is very acidic and hard. Never ever heard. However, I read many places that Presshefe a terrible taste of blood, fleas dogs.
Shound I would proably you get the dog on a flea prevention and Frontline, and the use of yeast, effectively. You can buy at Wal-Mart and PetSmart.
Even if your house infested but not enough for a flea bomb, you can use water and oil in a desk lamp to win and kill them.
Mixed Yes, lime, lemon and orange trees Juci with water, you need to promote his chips. Just do not get in his face from the neck down.
Flea bark when they try to avoid them.
but make sure that his skin prob.or not fleas
Use shampoo and let it rest for 15 minutes before it against moisture.
done when needed again later.
Also purchase a comb "chips". in the cat section at Wal-Mart and a bowl of water with a little Dawn or placed in him and shoots die!
Also at the EFF U can try a pill that bite, if the fleas, they die.
which lasts about six months and is the best on the market today.
PS Do not waste your money on flea collars! those who work only for cats, and too little.
If the dog has been itching, I would not put lemon juice in the dog. think if you have a cut and the juice of acid in it, it hurts. Use a flea shampoo or Dove. Then put your dog on flea medicine every month and it works very well confortus
You will probably do nothing.
Virbac Knockout ES Get your vet, which is great, works very well. Sprinkle around your home, then you treat your dog with K9 Advantix / Advantage or Revolution.
A shampoo and soap is the best way to get rid of fleas. Soap it very well and allowed to stand over him for a few minutes before rinsing.
I do not think it hurts, but I think it works well.
Get a good old flea collar.
I do not know whether it is safe or not, but I bet it would not hurt him. Put the garlic powder in the diet works.
I do not think ........!!!!!
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