Sunday, January 24, 2010

Haier Portable Air Conditioner Using Portable Air Conditioner As A Fan?

Using portable air conditioner as a fan? - haier portable air conditioner

Hello, I recently bought a portable Haier air conditioning. BTU 7000 and works with 800W. I also want to set the air conditioner as a fan, if it is not so hot, but I wonder if they consume much energy. If the machine works only as a fan without active cooling, in (significantly?) Consume less energy and thus less power? Who knows how the energy consumption compared to traditional fan? Thank you.


Chalie M said...

Sure, but that would be a better flow of a fan with a stick or desktop with the same or less energy.

The Easy Answer said...

Hey D,

Turn on the cost and significantly reduce energy costs to operate the machine. I would not, however, with the fan in your expensive air conditioning.

Use a fan of low cost of $ 20 for general use and enter your air conditioning only when you are cooling your room. You do not want to break the air in the combustion fan too!

Today fresh air

jetengin... said...

A / C, consume less energy if you from the cold and use only as a fan, the compressor is what consumes the most electricity, so turn off the cold and use only by the fan must be the same as a typical house fan.

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